Open letter to the Covid-19 -mostly about its silver linings

This week with my young students we decided to stop complaining about this situation and focus on its silver linings. So I asked them to write an open letter to Mr Covid19 and the results were beyond my expectations.We discovered so much about ourselves and the things we love about our lives.

For lots of my little ones they were thankful to be able to spend more time at home with their parents, their pets (a lot of messages about the pets!). Thankful to be able to slow down in life, don’t rush to school, then tennis classes, then Maths tutoring, then rush home to do the homework… just slow down and appreciate life. Walk the dog more, spend time with daddy, help mummy in the kitchen: cooking!

Let’s cook in french!

And during this exercise I also asked myself the same question: what did this crisis brought me? And I was so surprised how eye opening it was for me! I realized how much I love going to the office every day, drive to my student’s place, all the moments we share together during our french classes, the laughs, the hugs, and again : my office! ;))

spoiled teacher
French pâtisseries brought by my BestFrenchStudents regularly!

Dear Mr Covid-19,

I thank you for helping me realize how lucky I am to have such amazing students sharing my life, bringing me joy, pâtisserie lol and how I love all the moments we share in our classrooms at BestFrenchTutor! We are family, friends , it’s more than french classes, it’s moments shared together around french culture and way of life.

This is my open letter to you Mr Covid19, thank you for your attention,

Valérie, best french teacher.